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Star Wars: The Acolyte Episodes 1 & 2 Review

 Star Wars: The Acolyte promises something new, but it left me feeling empty.

I've been disengaged from Star Wars for quite a while, ever since Palpatine inexplicably returned. I've followed the discussions surrounding each new project, and it seems like Disney has been relying heavily on nostalgia, showcasing familiar characters and getting applause for it.

The Acolyte was meant to break this pattern, offering a fresh series set during the golden age of the Jedi, separate from the Skywalker saga. However, judging by the first two episodes, this supposed golden age is disappointingly dull.

At its core, The Acolyte follows the story of two twins who were separated during a devastating tragedy that destroyed their hometown. Osha joined the Jedi Order but later left to become a meknek, an illegal freelance mechanic. Meanwhile, Mae appears to have been taken in by a dark entity that trained her in the ways of the Force.

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