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Steve Albini: 17 Essential Albums

 Influential musician, engineer, and producer did as much as anyone to define the sound of rock from the 1980s onward


Steve Albini, who passed away at the age of 61, profoundly influenced the music industry in myriad ways. He crafted raw, uncompromising indie rock with bands like Big Black and Shellac, while simultaneously challenging the exploitative practices of the record business. Through essays like the seminal "The Problem With Music" from 1993, Albini fearlessly articulated his dissenting views on the industry's darker side.

As a producer and engineer—preferring the title of "producing engineer"—Albini played a pivotal role in the emergence of indie rock during the Eighties. However, it was during the Nineties, as mainstream alt-rock exploded and major labels pursued lucrative profits, that Albini truly made his mark. Working with countless artists, he ensured that the genre he championed retained its raw, unfiltered essence. Albini prioritized authenticity over commercial viability, allowing musicians to stay true to their artistic vision. His legacy is an unwavering commitment to artistic integrity and a steadfast refusal to compromise.

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