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The spectacle of the Northern Lights might grace much of Wisconsin's skies this week.

An active aurora borealis hovers over downtown Juneau and the Mendenhall glacier on Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016, in Juneau, Alaska. 

Those in Wisconsin who cast their gaze skyward this weekend could be in for a rare treat: a dazzling display of flickering, colorful light. Traditionally, one must journey far north to witness the mesmerizing natural phenomenon known as the aurora borealis.

However, scientists predict that an uncommon geomagnetic storm might extend the aurora's visibility as far south as Alabama and northern California.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center remains vigilant for disturbances in Earth’s magnetosphere as plasma and magnetic fields emitted by the sun surge towards the planet.

Shawn Dahl, a forecaster with the Space Weather Prediction Center, expressed "high confidence" in the likelihood of Earth being impacted by a geomagnetic storm, potentially reaching intensities not seen since 2005. However, Dahl emphasized the challenge in pinpointing the exact timing of these events due to their origin 93 million miles away, speaking during a news conference on Friday morning.

NOAA forecasters warned that the severe geomagnetic storm could disrupt power grids and GPS systems. Nonetheless, for the general public not involved in satellite operations or utilities management, there's little need to prepare for these solar flare-ups.

"As far as what the general public should be doing, hopefully they’re not having to do anything," Dahl assured.

Tips for glimpsing the Aurora Borealis in Wisconsin

Should the timing align, the disturbances from solar wind may manifest as dancing lights in the sky across much of the country, including Wisconsin.

As of Friday afternoon, a map from the National Space Weather Prediction Center indicated that the aurora could grace much of Wisconsin on Friday night, extending to northern Wisconsin into late Saturday.

With the exception of anticipated cloud cover in parts of north-central Wisconsin, National Weather Service Meteorologist Woody Unruh suggests that clear skies on Friday night could enhance the chances for Wisconsinites to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights across most of the state.

For optimal viewing, Unruh advises stargazers to look north and seek locations away from city lights.

“If you can access a more rural area, with minimal light pollution, that’s going to offer the best viewing experience,” Unruh recommended.

According to Brent Gordon of the Space Weather Prediction Center, cell phone cameras can also aid in capturing the light show.

“Cell phones are much better than our eyes at capturing light,” Gordon explained. “Simply step out your back door and take a picture with a newer cell phone, and you may be astonished at the details captured in that picture compared to what you perceive with your eyes.”

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