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DNC Statement Commemorating “Cinco de Mayo”

 DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Latino Caucus Chair Iris Martinez released the following statement in commemoration of Cinco de Mayo:

"During the Battle of Puebla, a small band of soldiers, outnumbered 3 to 1, stood tall against Napoleon’s French Foreign Legion, securing victory and safeguarding Puebla, a historic moment we celebrate annually on Cinco de Mayo. This day not only marks a triumph of resilience but also serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of the Mexican people.

Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a cherished observance across the United States, resonating deeply within the hearts of approximately 37.2 million Hispanics of Mexican descent. Through generations, Mexican-Americans have woven vibrant communities, launched enterprises, and nurtured families, contributing significantly to the fabric of our nation.

The recognition and celebration of Cinco de Mayo in the United States symbolize the profound bonds between our two countries and highlight the invaluable role of Mexican-Americans in shaping American history and culture. From the nation's inception, Mexican-Americans have been integral to its story, enriching our society with their presence and contributions.

As we commemorate this day, we also contemplate the significance of the upcoming election. While Donald Trump persists in divisive and harmful rhetoric targeting the Latino community, President Biden and Vice President Harris remain steadfast in their advocacy for Mexican-American families and the broader Latino community. Their efforts, from slashing the Latino child poverty rate by nearly 40 percent to igniting a surge in Latino entrepreneurship, underscore a commitment to fostering prosperity and opportunity for all.

This Cinco de Mayo, we reaffirm the importance of our nation's diversity as a wellspring of strength and resilience. We honor this day not merely as a historical milestone, but as a poignant reminder that our unity is our greatest asset."

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